Madness: Short
312 Frames
Now next post will be on Madness Day 2011 :P
EDIT: Just bought call of the dead, so awesome!
EDIT: OMFG I can´t fucking wait intill Minecraft 1.8, looks so BOOOOOOOSSSSS!!!
Age 29, Male
Catch butterflies
Stockholm in (sweden)
Joined on 2/28/08
Posted by Delamortes - August 31st, 2011
Madness: Short
312 Frames
Now next post will be on Madness Day 2011 :P
EDIT: Just bought call of the dead, so awesome!
EDIT: OMFG I can´t fucking wait intill Minecraft 1.8, looks so BOOOOOOOSSSSS!!!
Posted by Delamortes - August 30th, 2011
I want your oppinion
What should I make for MD11?
Do you want me to do a fun like my Short: Grub?
Or do you want me to make a short serious fighting scene like Krinkel´s Incident: 001A?
Serious [2]
Funny [0]
Posted by Delamortes - August 28th, 2011
It really means alot for me to saying happy birthday to my cat :3
He really enjoyed that fish, ate it in like 30 seconds.
Madness Short (0 Frames)
Madness Test Collab by: Namboi (FINISHED!)
Madness Disruption Collab by: JeffBee (0 Parts done)
Madness Intimidation Collab by: FrostyCut (FINISHED!)
Madness Courier collab by: Tomtyke (Not going to start on this for a while cuz it´s for MD12)
Next post will be on Madness Day 2011!!!
Posted by Delamortes - August 27th, 2011
It´s my cats birthday! :D
Garfield is now 3 years old and I will give him some nice fish and new toy when he comes inside, hes outside right now.
I would really appreciate if you would leave a happy birthday or something like that :)
Posted by Delamortes - August 7th, 2011
Well I decided to join JeffBee´s Madness Disruption Collab, infact just because there was only 2 people who asked me I will join Frostycut´s Madness Intimidation Collab to :D because he came second place.
The only different is that I will make JeffBee´s collab part longer than Frostycut´s collab part.
TEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSST :3 (Background is NOT made by me!)
Stuff that need´s to be done
Madness Short intill Madness Day 2011
Madness Test Collab (2 Parts done)
Madness Disruption Collab
Madness Intimidation Collab (1 Part done FINISHED!)
(I can/can´t open the door 2)
About the tutorial, apparently Fraps can´t record Macromedia 8 witch I thought it could. But I made a walking test thinking I was recording while I was not, so heres the TEST
Long time ago since I posted a screenshot so here´s one
NEW TEST!!! :3
Made a new Youtube, nothing special really
Posted by Delamortes - July 29th, 2011
Got home 1 day earlier because the weather was horrible, just rain, rain, and rain.
Anyway to the point now
I´m joining 2 collabs and making 1 short for Madness Day 2011!
For the collabs I thought i would ask namboi If I could join his Test Collab, the second collab is not decided yet so spam the comments to ask me if I want to join your collab. But that means that the ICCOTD2 is going to be down for a month probably :(
I´m really looking forward to Madness Day 2011 though! :D
Oh yeah going on vecation again -.-
Going 31/7 and will be gone for another week I think, this time I really don´t want to go but I´m still a kid so I can´t rly decide over my dad, I didn´t even know this intill I came back today.
If your wondering how I´m writing this while I´m on vecation is because my sister has a computer
This collab contest is going to end on 7/8 I thought 8/8 was sunday
My collab idea would be to animate the big guy from MC10 VS Hank
Well I´m back, just gonna chill and play some games today. And by games I mean Minecraft cuz that´s the only game I can play on my dads computer, steam is error thingy
List of collabs that I might join
Madness Disruption Collab by: JeffBee
Madness Intimidation Collab by: 23DKiller
Posted by Delamortes - June 14th, 2011
Finally no school for a very long time! :D
And I´m sorry for not answering most of the comments 2 posts ago so I think I will respond to the messages that I want :) BUT! If you have a question or something exept for (Would you join my collab? or Hey can you teach me to animate just like you? I will answer them :)
I will also make a update on this post every day to say if I animate or not like (27/6 4563 frames done, 2 kills) It will be something like this.
14/6 Takeing day of to chill and play games
15/6 Takeing day of to chill and play games
16/6 ZOMG hl2 deathmatch FTW
17/6 Made 1 new charactar
18/6 Ok, I will animate next week, sry :(
19/6 Animate next week
20/6 Fuck, Macromedia 8 doesn´t work on my other computer cuz I recently hade virus on it -.-
21/6 Still no Macromedia
Going on vaccation on 22/6 or 23/6 and will be back on 25/6 I think, but if you know any way on how to make animation a bit more fun or something post a comment and I will read them :) I really need to get my shit together and finish this crapy ICCOTD2, I also decided when I´m done with mah movie i will only make collabs and my own shorts to stay alive on NG.
22/6 Gone
23/6 Gone
24/6 Gone
25/6 I am back! I will look at the comments tomorrow and answer them, hope ya left some good ones :P
PS: Wasn´t meet the medic just awesome? :D
26/6 Still no mac 8
27/6 Last day before going to my dad
28/6 I came home late but I animated 1 little guy (4874 Frames)
29/6 I deleted 100 frames because the story was wrong (100- 4774 Frames) I also played golf for the first time :3 it was fun
30/6 Made a background so I will animate tomorrow, but I will not have much time on the computer cuz my sisters boyfriend broke up with her so now she just stays at her room all the time and the computer is in hers room, shes so annoing -.-
1/7 I played alot Minecraft today because the new update came out, made some pretty god damn awesome stuff
2/7 It´s hard to make elevators but some progress done (55+ 4829 Frames)
3/7 159 frames done,, winning! (159+ 4988 Frames) But now the hard part comes, I´m gonna make a big room with alot of kills :3
4/7 ( 45+ 5033 Frames) Now I need to make another background.
Also I need the buttom sound in MC7 when hank presses the evelator buttom, can anyone give me a link? Oh yeah I fixed my macromedia 8 thanks too 23DKiller :3 I love catface! :D :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
5/7 Made a new background (15+ 5048 Frames) I play Black Ops zombies and got to rounds 41 >:D My eyes really hurts so I´m gonna sleep 12 hours
6/7 Added some stuff to dah background
7/7 (100+ 5148 Frames) Animated something
8/7 Took a break from animating today but 374 frames in 6 days is pretty much to me, I rarely animate that much so I´m happy that I did that :)
9/7 (50+ 5198 Frames) Animated 2 guys
10/7 Finally I got a xbox 360!!! Now after 4 years I can play Halo 3, I also got Crysis 2 for only 12 extra bucks. Now how I got the xbox was that I sold my Wii cuz I never play on that anymore, I think that it was smart :p I will probably not animate so much plus I´m going on vecation again in about 1 week, going to Öland. I´m sorry if this sucks to anyone.
11/7 Pointless sentence is pointless
12/7 What do you think I was doing?
13/7 Just finished Halo 3, so awesome!
14/7 Hade some quests
15/7 Hade some quests
16/7 Hade some quests
17/7 Hade some quests
18/7 I might animate some today to thursday cuz on friday I´m going to Öland and will be there for about a week
19/7 (91+ 5289 Frames) Animated 2 guys :3 See I´m not that lazy anymore
20/7 (17+ 5306 Frames) Animated more
21/7 (55+ 5361 Frames) *Insert random word here*
22/7 Going to Öland today
Oslo in norway has been attacked by a bomb, more than 10 killed and many hurt! It fucking terrible :C Also a island called Utøya in Norway has a crazy man shooting kids and teenagers on a summer camp, 25-30 killed there lots of hurted people. The police thinks the man who is shooting is behind the bomb in Oslo.
Watch it here to get more information (Swedish though)
23/7 Gone
24/7 Gone
25/7 Gone
26/7 Gone
27/7 Gone
28/7 Gone
29/7 Gone
30/7 Will be back here
Posted by Delamortes - June 13th, 2011
1 day left for me and no school for about 10 weeks C:
Also 10 june I posted my first post, 3 years ago! O.o
Feels awesome.
Posted by Delamortes - May 18th, 2011
That I haven´t been active or updating much, but I got my hands on Portal 2 and Terraria and portal 2 OMFG! Such a good game, Terraria to, got my computer back to.
My cats claw is healed now :D He actually jumped down the balcony 2 times just to get outside, he just loves to play outside XD
Let´s see what else, oh yeah.
A boy stole my bike and broke it, the police came and took him to the police station and did that police stuff, but I´m not angry because of that. I heard later that he beat up a 13 years old kid (BTW the boy is 16-17 years old) so the 13 years old kid went to the hostpital and then later threat the 13 years old kids little brother! WTF! I just want to kill him!!! >:C
When ICCOTD 2 is done I will probably say goodbye and live my life outside Newgrounds, but maybe join a last collab or something. I´m sorry but I have a life, don´t have time with animating. :(
Posted by Delamortes - April 16th, 2011
Well basiclly my cat came home with a bloody fot, his claw was broken so we had to take him to the wet, they took out the whole claw, so now he must use this thingy for 1 or 2 weeks. :(
Anyway, about animation, not animating so much :(
I will though put all my animations that I didn´t finish to a whole movie with music. Expect that one in 1 or 2 weeks. ICCOTD2 is still about 5000 frames, so pleeeeeease don´t expect it that soon, it will be done when it´s done. I feel so bad for not animating for my fans but animating is now boring. :(
Picture of my cat
EDIT: Go watch it!
BIG EDIT: My computer got a big virus called trojan, I lost eeeeeevery thing but the good news is that I only lost like 4-5 madness movies. ICCOTD2 is not lost but everything else is. :C Going to take a break or something to fix this shit.