Madness: Short
312 Frames
Now next post will be on Madness Day 2011 :P
EDIT: Just bought call of the dead, so awesome!
EDIT: OMFG I can´t fucking wait intill Minecraft 1.8, looks so BOOOOOOOSSSSS!!!
Age 29, Male
Catch butterflies
Stockholm in (sweden)
Joined on 2/28/08
Posted by Delamortes - August 31st, 2011
Madness: Short
312 Frames
Now next post will be on Madness Day 2011 :P
EDIT: Just bought call of the dead, so awesome!
EDIT: OMFG I can´t fucking wait intill Minecraft 1.8, looks so BOOOOOOOSSSSS!!!
sounds good. i have been trying to do the same thing for a while as well but i havent had the time to do so. if you dont have any ideas right for it right now, do you want me to send you my script for it? i would love to have you do it.
oh I have ideas :P
hehe still 0?
yes blame cod
Is that supposed to be a robot?
lol what are you talking about?
Aeih raep demuhmaan.
I don´t get it
please make Madness 4.5 imagine it the evo of hank from aphoteosis to depredation and and... sanford and diemos
no I got another idea to make... it includes zombies
stinkytampons is just a hater troll(just like sdfho said) that i saw on other peoples pages and good luck on your short
Call of the dead...the zombie map? You should get moon.
moon isn´t out on PC yet and I didn´t want to wait anymore, I love zombies
Yeah i believe that you're gonna make a 1500 frame flash by madness day, right.
something like that
0 frames? hurry up XD you only have 16 days :3
yeah, I have been doing a background for like 2 days now, finally finished it yesterday! Now I just need to make new charactar, then I´m set to animate :3
Lol, I can't remember what I was talking about either.
Oh wait, no I remember, I was talking about your profile picture. Is it a robot?
do you know what Minecraft is?
it is sheep
then you should know what it is :P
A minecraft character?
there ya go
But Did you Post ICCOTD2 in Madness Day 2011?
I will not post ICCOTD2 in MD11
i hope youre so freaking enjoying your call of the dead!
btw, what graphic card and RAM do you have? is just to compare with another pcs
oh I´m a noob when it comes to PC RAMs and that computerie stuff
i think you have 4 gb ram, a gtx560 and a i7
StinktTampons is a hater troll, MUST TERMINATE TROLL!!!!! ... Good luck on your madness short by the way ^.^