New year was nice, but I almost died. Some drunk kids where firing fireworks all over the place, on cars, on people including me. Fucking idiots.
BUT let´s not look into the past, this year I must fucking finish my ICCOTD2, and It should not be that hard now. Before I joined alot of collabs witch Is one of the reasons that It got delayed... alot. But now I have gotten more into animating again and It feels GREAT! Rly, rly, really hope ICCOTD2 going to be relesed 2012... You know If the world doesn´t end. :P
Hope ya all had a great christmas/new year!
PS: You like my new icon and banner? :p
PPS: I made that M16 Peruraptor.
EDIT 1: Got Amnesia: The Dark Decent!!!
EDIT 2: Wow I have gotten 4 M.O.A.B.s now! And all of them were not recorded. -.-
M.O.A.B. 1 SCAR-L 4-5 Min
M.O.A.B. 2 AA-12 3-4 Min
M.O.A.B. 3 CM901 4-5 Min
M.O.A.B. 4 SPAS-12 2-3 Min
EDIT 3: 2009 Test
EDIT 4: Wasn´t happy with the icon so I change It