I am well and fully content.
Age 29, Male
Catch butterflies
Stockholm in (sweden)
Joined on 2/28/08
I am well and fully content.
what level are you now? i am level 25
Im 40
why the hell i lost my character?!
Game is so fucking Awesome playing it for Hours non-stop obviously the same with you i suppose
Oh yeah I must have around 6-7 hours played alredy, but in arena mode I just cant seem to get past wave 11. I always die because of that big guy destroys my tac and then the other agents kills me. Whats your wave record?
Yes this should be the game of the year can't stop playing although thear are some bugs but still its an amazing game!
the game need co-op
Oh gawd yes, and If they add It I will be happy to play with you guys. :)
level 53
in 1 day i am 37
The only problem with co-op is that this thing lags on low quality with AIs as partners. I dare not even think about how slow it would be in co-op.
True, but co-op would be sooooo cool.
Sorry for the bit late post but my Wave record is 19 At best hasn't got any higher still havent maxed out everything wont take me long though... Almost done.
Oh 19, meh too. Its almost impossible to make it further. And I quess your using that LMG (M-249) for the higher levels.
If you start a new game, all your progress will be erased.
This game better not be distracting you from ICCOTD2 >:(
Day 2 Lv 60
Co-op + Project nexus = Best Game of all Time. derp.
Verry Good Game :)