
Age 29, Male

Catch butterflies

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Modern Warfare 3

Posted by Delamortes - November 7th, 2011

MW3 will be relesed tomorrow so I will play that the whole week and take a break from animating, not that I have been animating that much though :/

After 21H and 22M I finally prestige in MW3, and I had ALOT of fun. I have never had so much fun in any of the call of dutys

Oh BTW I´m sick now :(

See Ya!

Modern Warfare 3


Its not @Manly-Chicken

AND I WILL BE GETTING IT TOO :3 do u have it on xbox if u do tell meh your gamertag PM!

sry, buying it to PS3

And still no part from you T_T

don´t worry man :(


did you go to school? It says MW3

Why not Battlefield 3? D:

I will be buying it later, just not now

Is that like a MW2 mod or something?

wow, this looks cool

yeah you should buy it

btw, it's not MW3
it's MW2.5.

I love battlefield, but I just can't understand why do fans of MW3 and BF3 Fight. I think they are both cool(well... Especially Battlefiled 3), BUT i have heard you have to download some spyware thing to play BF3. MW is good too! Why fight?


GET A LIFE HAA HAA ! Even MW3 WILL BE GOOD, still better go outside and enjoy the time with ur friends ! That`s what my teacher said. woo :) I love schoool . YAY

well I don´t have any friends

I fucking need to buy my PS3... I guess I will have to wait... Anwyay, good luck playing it :D

PS3 is better than Xbox because it doesn´t fucking cost to play online, but if it didn´t cost I would have gotten a Xbox

I don't know why the "good luck" but fuck it!

best fucking game ever i miss the comando perk :( what u gonnause your prestige points on?

prestige points? Dude I have just watch a few MW3 trailers to not spoil anything so I don´t know

I'm getting that soon too! Let's celebrate--

-People from Treyarch come in-
Oh god no let's run for it!!!


But I Don't Have Xbox Live :C

I wish I had time for games...

is it because of school?

ya im getting it for ps3 but no midnight realease sadly playing to much cod makes you get D's in stupid subjects but whatever im gonna get it like 2 days after <3MWhhahahaahhaahhaahahahahahahhahaah ahah.............-_-

the thing I like about a new cod is the first day of releseing, everybody is a noob, no guns or perks are noobie

Cock of Doodie, Modern Gayfare Pee

a game about you

eh, MW3 and BF3 are both overrated.

Call of Duty isn't what it use to be its all about casual gamers you seek to 'pretend' to be good when in fact they are just noobs.

BF3 is the "COD Killer" another words, "We at EA are going to copy COD and HALO and put vehicle's in der and flog it for its fantastic bullshit"

BF3 = Bad Company 0.5

If I had to choose between the 2, I would go for COD only because, it doesn't have complete utter bullshit false advertisement like BF3.

/End of my rant.

I'm sure it will be good, but I am flat out broke. For some reason I don't care about games that much anymore.

i dont hate mw3 but i played mw2 and bad company 2 and i compared, and thaths why i expect the same thing of mw2 on mw3, it doesnt changed almost anything
on playing, just the history, but no more, instead battlefield has better things (excpet histoty) but more graphics and playing ways
the multplayer is the same too i think, because i played on mw2 multiplayer too and i saw some of mw3 now...and for me its te same!
ok, you love cod series, scuse me if i ofense you, i just tell mi opinion about it

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