:D I have lern moonwalk.
Age 29, Male
Catch butterflies
Stockholm in (sweden)
Joined on 2/28/08
You look different from what I imagind.
Omg :o Michael Jackson + Krinkels = Delamortes
Congrats, now do all of michael's moves
You look eleven. Nice cat and moon walk.
eleven :O
These guys are all suck ups. it was ok, but not great, the cat kind ruined it and you took it too far. other than dat good!!
Lol spanish background voices, level up !!!
LNR123 says:
These guys are all suck ups. it was ok, but not great, the cat kind ruined it and you took it too far. other than dat good!!
Almost everybody who comments here are suck-ups. Nobody really cares, they just like his animations. When you think of it this guy is pretty much just a attention whore. Hes also so childish that its kinda annoying. seeing post comments like this i expect a angry response that cusses me out, calls me a noob, ect.
Oh and i also expect that his suck ups will start calling me a fag and such.
nice, I can too :P is easy :D delajackson
You look a lot different than i ever expected... How could you look so different than your sis?
Hey man remember me man????
Err, GabrielBarsch, that was all Swedish background noise.
rly, what easy language !