that´s new? one collab part left and Im on my 5 min movies, the projekts are Auditor, Zombie Hunt,
Madness Agination, mabey I can/can´t open the door 2 and my combat serie
plus this that I did at gmod LOL
pic for zombie hunt
Age 29, Male
Catch butterflies
Stockholm in (sweden)
Joined on 2/28/08
Posted by Delamortes - March 14th, 2009
that´s new? one collab part left and Im on my 5 min movies, the projekts are Auditor, Zombie Hunt,
Madness Agination, mabey I can/can´t open the door 2 and my combat serie
plus this that I did at gmod LOL
pic for zombie hunt
Good Luck with all your stuff. Yes, I know how you responded to Sampy1. I am well aware that there are better animators than me. I'm not gonna lie about that. But still, I'm certainly NOT the WORST, either.
Finish that auditor short you were making...
haha sampy1 sux crazymonkey too! ban him :3
allvarligt delamortes, blocka bögen
finally, you get motivation, go ahead and get some awards
Lol Im 13 too
oh, by the way, send me the MC 9 Sprite sheet when you got k
ur a huge inspiration 2 me
The picture has none.
IT'S OUT!!!!!1
Finally, you changed your fucking aura. I hate fabs... :3
Age does not reflect skill.
Age is not important, I thing that skillz are load moar important, so yeah"
How many fraemz do you have done in Auditor?
I have 3600 frames in (before agregation-name stolen by Krinkels and I have verification) so Madness Magnification...
btw: you ´ve got massive skillz!
hay man, You a really great madness animator
Madness themed zombie movies = instant sucsess.
join meh collab plz!! see my latest news post for details
no more collabs
Hi Delamortes :D
I just have come here to say Hi.
How are you?
hhhm, strange, are you trying to come close my cockies?
Cockies? What the fuck you you smoking?
Whats your steam?
THAT'S LOL. now submit a new movie
don´t even say that crazymonky is better then everybody faggot