Are you homosexually inclined?
Age 29, Male
Catch butterflies
Stockholm in (sweden)
Joined on 2/28/08
Are you homosexually inclined?
no more madness? (iner: WTF??? you think that he will abandon madness like that?)
Of course I'm gonna keep animating madness, but It will be slower progress in the future when I get a job and everything.
When are you going to finish iCCOTD 2?
This year.
99% sure!
How are you?
Really great, no school for a whole week right now.
How am I?
Judging by your icon I would say really happy.
are you gonna join a stupid collab ? :3
Depends on how stupid It is.
So maybe.
Would you join it if it was as stupid as having to animate Hank eating pie? Madness Universe roolz. Hank never gets da pie.
If it's something little like that then perhaps I join.
Do you like cats?
Favorite pet. <3
how is ICCOTD 2?
I will make a post and talk about that soon.
Would you work more and talk less?
Why would I talk when I animate?
What will you be doing in 5 years time (generally)?
I'm gonna start my own madness serie (they will be like Krinkels Incidents 1-2 minutes long) and join madness collabs.
1. Are you think about making lolnizing 2 ?
2. I loved your animation How about think ?
3. Who your best friend at the newgrounds ?
4. Who your best favorite madness character?
5. You ever making collab why ?
1: No.
2: Don't understand your question.
3: I don't pick best friends.
4: Auditor.
5: Maybe, but that will be far in the future.
Have you had sex?
What was the biggest disappointment of 2013 so far?
I was gonna animate... But I didn't.
What was the happiest moment of your entire life?
When I got my cat.
are you working on iccotd 2 ?
Not at this very moment, but like I said to Juanford66. I will make a post about It later.
do you think NG is dead?
It's starting to slowly fade and die, every animator upload to Youtube now.
It's sad.
What is most important to you in life?
To have sex at least once.
Nothing, what's up with you?
Do you like it in the butt?