As always! O.O
Age 29, Male
Catch butterflies
Stockholm in (sweden)
Joined on 2/28/08
As always! O.O
Which would be dying.
Only by the Protagonist.
Your M9 is da best! Waiting for the new tests, del.
I have 1 test ready (almost 2) but I want others to submit theirs before I do with mine. I will send you It when MTC3 reach a total of 25 tests.
Nice pistol! ^^
Lol. 26 tests are ready.
Oh ok, It said 21 tests on your last post.
I will PM you It right away.
'Doing their usual stuff' you mean freekilling random people and getting drunk? Eeeyup.
How do you know It was a freekill?
why they are always with bottles ?
Because they need to be drunk when Hank arrives.
That Beretta looks suspiciously like the one in Madness Antipathy. Is it an older model?
<a href=""> 0#comments</a>
Look at this post. I will update it.
I have been updated it*
Did you get fraps to work?
No, Its because Flash 8 changes to Windows 7 basic when I start It. I need Windows 7.
Why you don't want use CS?
I dont want to leave my old friend Flash 8. Besides, I have tried CS in my school and I hate It.
Okay, it's your choose.
DIMB has been joined.
Nice, and update my number of tests to 2 please. :3
pew pew pew