Ok awesome
Age 29, Male
Catch butterflies
Stockholm in (sweden)
Joined on 2/28/08
Ok awesome
is the life...
team fortress 2 is cool!!! i mean...you lazy, think on your fans, make something interesting and surprising, a short, a full movie, i dunno, just do more movies
ah sorry by my terrible english, i need to pratice moar...yeah
Wait... how were you able to play CS:GO? Are you a MLG gamer?
He peordered it and got the final beta and the full thing came out today. I got it too its kick ass
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jub50N3yIHY&lc">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jub50N3yIHY& ;lc</a> I dare you to watch it!
I did, and you still own me those cookies! >:3
Sweden is pretty far away though..
Thats true, just send me a picture of them instead and I will be happy.
<a href="http://thinkofablueegg.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/cookies.jpg">http://thinkofablueegg.com/wp-content/uploads/
2011/01/cookies.jpg</a> there. Happy? :3
Me happy yes.
just holding mouse up to that link and see whats there...
im your follower since 2008
And Im your follower since 2007
i am your follower since 2010, btw you are one of my inspirations: <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/936668f5323230c7a50c70306304b6a4">http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/936668f532 3230c7a50c70306304b6a4</a>
shut the hell up randomes, nobody likes you, you fat emo
oh you little troll
No, he said the truth.
excuse me, i know i am in your post and blah blah blah, but im talking with barsch now, also, respect is good and i like, i never said nothing to hurt nobody...i guess, ah...fuck everithyng i said, bye.
Fuck everyhing = Fuck you to everyone
i...said something bad? you looks angry
Lol, yeah I looks angry.
But you have pissed off so many off my friends that I know your something bad. Gonna go with Gabriels advice and ban you.
ban this faggot
Every day it doesn't come out I die a little.