So...will you make a part for me?
Age 29, Male
Catch butterflies
Stockholm in (sweden)
Joined on 2/28/08
So...will you make a part for me?
soon bro, I´m sorry for the waiting :(
and the duel? Delamortes vs icecold128 vs DIMB
it´s still on, everybody isn´t done yet
dot dot dot dot dot dot
i know, is awesome btw you animate like krinkels... whait are you krinkels's son?
How far are you in ICCOTD2? Please finish it.
a little over 5000 frames
xrandomkill is soo stupid
Hiya, we should play minecraft some time.
sorry I don´t play multiplayer, seriously it´s sooooooo buggy
@xRandomkill how dose Delamortes animate like Krinkels? krinkels has a diffrent style!
agree, people only think that because I animate smooth, go say that to SL4Y3Rftw, he has the real Krinkels animation style
Yeah I also think SL4Y3Rftw has.
And good test!
I cant animate for shi- ah... I mean..HUNNNGGGGGGGGGGG!
Nice test.
should make teh flash a lot smaller!
what do you mean with smaller?
epic test, very smooth
comma comma comma comma comma comma comma
nice test, you always need to show a prove that you´re alive, also something is wrong with his foot on the very ending of the test
I know, that´s actually something I need to work on, the last footstep always gets fucked for me, not always though
excelent man....thath test is always...
it is great thath you still show signals on madness
Where did you get the 7.5 sprites from?
Mikock gave it to me in the last post em/e 39f40e7c6270f5a93c10789332751b3
Make the flash of the gun smaller.
Oh, I thought you meant make macromedia flash smaller XD
Well ok if the pro animator says that I will :P
Oh wait I can´t now because I´m at my mom now and the file is at my dad
I'm no such thing, I wish though.
WAAAAAAH tomato D:
I have all the black ops and MW2 sounds (reloading, explosions, gunshots, etc.), want em'?
nah, I don´t want cod sounds
mc 7.5 rocks