happy birthday!!!!!! LOL
Age 29, Male
Catch butterflies
Stockholm in (sweden)
Joined on 2/28/08
happy birthday!!!!!! LOL
Thank You!!
Happy Birthday!
Thank You!!!
Happy Birthday Delamortes. Otherwise, a nice screen.
Feb. 13 was mine :3
Anyway, happy birthday!!
Happy late birthday Peterpeterpet! :D
Harpeh Birtdaiz !
Did you enjoy your birthday (and Valentine's Day) yesterday?
Well I have never celebrated valentine day just because my birthday is on that day but overall my birthday was prefect :)
omigod i want to watch it!!!!!!!!
Well do it! njafbgyitjsöupå
Happy two days after Charles Darwin's birthday.
No your furfag! >:O
Happy birthday :D
ty! :D
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/562894">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /562894</a> Hi Delamortes ,watch it.
You know to be honest I don´t like your movies, your animation is all the same.
Thay walk just the same and shoot just the same, you only make new animations when they punch or press bottoms. Not much of skillz or enterteinment for me.
God I spelled that wrong, enterteinment.
everything looks so 2011
indeed, such a funny word, INDEED HAHAHAH :P
Happy birthday!!!
ZOMG!!! :O
Happy Birthday
P.S. What is the gun on the serious guys back.
Search on google and you´ll never find it :P
It´s a secret
youknow thing thing dude made a sprite sheet if iccotd2 right is that ok with you oh and happy bday
ty and I know he made a sprite sheet of my preview, he asked my permission, btw nice English there :P
You made it up, didn't you. >=O
the frames no, I did this post at my moms house and I couldn´t see my movie because I didn´t have it at my moms house, only at my dads house, so I asumed that it had around 4800-5000 frames
Do I spy with my little eye a reflex site
maybe, maybe not
happy late birthday and lol at furfag
thanks furf.. friend :3
Thank You!