Please send me the M16
Age 29, Male
Catch butterflies
Stockholm in (sweden)
Joined on 2/28/08
Please send me the M16
nope, I don´t want to give my sprite away
lookin good brawh, PLEASE MAKE AN MSN!
even if I did I would never logg in
hey dude.
steam dude.
some day
ser att du gjorde några sår, bravo. använd inte krinkels saker bara.
jag gör nästan allt själv
From the Gibbing I believe that the Protagonist is using a Barrett.
your wrong!
Oh fuck I just can't wait.
it makes my day more happy, thanks god it is not dead yet ! but this guy is ! lol
thanks mate
Du vet väl att gabriels collab kommer bli gjord typ, 2012. så du kan göra hans del efter Iccotd2.
om jag orkar
Man, I would really wish you would make tutorials on how to animate like you do, damn it I am SO CLOSE to figuring it out.
I was thinking to do that BUT, I will not commetary the film
you are kinda organized, reminds me your father krinkels
Mah boy
Fine, I'll make my own sprite
u do that
happeh hellowiener.
happah hooloweenie
happeh helloweenieh.
happyh hellyween
You know, instead of wasting time creating new layers, then put objects in them, you could just copy the objects then right click them, then press distribute to layers.
Now that I told you that, you should be able to animate faster lmao.
it´s not that who makes me slower, it´s school that´s takes mostly all my time and other stuff
Tip: instead of using mouse to copy and paste, just click on an object, then CTRL-C to copy, then press CTRL-V to paste.
that´s a good idea
Impressive animating clip. And the screenie looks nice, too..... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
hey crazymonkey, if you think the video good, why don´t you animate like him someday instead continuing like a pikachu, never evolve ! haha
pokemon gotta kill em all POKEMON!!!
i've seen alot of your submissions, and may i say, there was alot of struggles against sleepiness, i see you had problem envolving too, so get off his back.
he´s my little pet >:3
WHAT THE FUCK? HALLOWEEN UPDATE? holy shit im such a faggot for not playing it on that day :(
well do it now, don´t waste any time on my ng page
Thats some awesome math sir.
yeah, me and my calculator did the work