lol wtf waz dat?
Age 29, Male
Catch butterflies
Stockholm in (sweden)
Joined on 2/28/08
lol wtf waz dat?
and could you please tell me how the hell "Tell us the secret!" got a 4.35/5? lolololol
lol, i donĀ“t know. Peapol just like it for some reason
people doesnt like it for some reason... only cuz ur delamortes , krinkels brother , no body can vote low for ya !
ogm u so awesum u wil join my colsb???????
hey delamortes, how did you find the song? I want to know, the song is amazing, now your animation, was ultra great, all the details and things were awesome, the animation movement too
Hey... are you REALLY Krinkels brother or are you so good they say you are?
You movie looks awesome, man.
Can u atleast view some collabs? *cough* mine *cough* =P
btw nice short and the pic looks interesting. i think ur actually not that bad at making characters.
how is can/can't open the door 2 going ? i didnt see some more news about it :X
Wait, wut? you're not Krinkels bro or I would of eard of it when I googled him every day for the past 7 and 1/2 months. o.o nvm
Ok take your time delamortes i will wait it dont rush it will ruin it and im gonna (play counter strike x3)
short grub more like factory of madness
wait , whos 101 :F ?
Im also add you on favorite
its good your not working with collabs, your better off working alone. you have great work that is comparable to krinkel's :)
He actually stand good chance to fight with krinkels but krinkels is stronger than him cuz he make the first movie and his madness movie improver first ^^
above 200 has me on favorites and 380 has madness one on favorites :D
omg XD :D
nice avatar lol
I was extremely good in animation... but just as others said... it could've had a plot... pr... it could've been longer!